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Proclamation Day 2016


Proclamation Day 2015 was observed nationwide by all schools on the 15th March 2016. Our school gathered in the front yard to listen to an excerpt from the 1916 proclamation and to also listen to our school's own proclamtion, that every class contributed to. This is our school's proclamation:

Sacred Heart School Proclamation

Irish men and Irish women, in this centenary year of the 1916 Rising, we in Sacred Heart School reassert the right to a republic, independent nation founded on the principles of liberty, equality and justice for all its peoples. We are proud of our nation’s accomplishments since independence and believe there are further opportunities to make our country an even better place.

We envisage a future for Ireland where everyone stands on an equal footing regardless of colour, creed, gender or sexuality. We hope for an Ireland in which homelessness is but a bitter memory. We aspire to have a decent living standard for all. We are determined to create a healthy Ireland where people who are sick or have special needs are looked after and loved.

We preserve the right to speak our native tongue and wish for an Ireland where the Irish language flourishes and is used every day in meaningful contexts. We believe in the right of the Irish people to practise our customs and traditions that set us apart as Irish citizens.

We envisage a future of continued co-operation with international neighbours to build a stronger and more equitable Europe. As proud Irish citizens we want Ireland’s positive image to be maintained overseas.

Finally, we dream of an Ireland where one day all the children of this island will have the same opportunities in life and can dream of a bright future in which to raise their own families.

Written behalf of a new generation of Irish citizens.

After our proclamtion was read. The youngest boy and girl, and the oldest boy and girl in our school, helped Fin to prepare the Irish Flag that was presented to us by represntitives from the Army in November. Once the flag was raised, we all stood to sing our National Anthem.

We would like to thank all the parents and gaurdians who came to our ceremony,. Thank you to all the children who took part in our ceremony, as they did lots of work preparing for it, and made us all very proud. Well done to all the other pupils who worked very hard our our school proclamation and sang the national anthem beautifully.

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